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Hollywood, Movies, Random

Fancy Ryan Gosling? Well, he’s taken.

Ryan Gosling, ah, Ryan Gosling.

That smile. That beard. His abs. Does it seem to you like his eyes always twinkle? I feel like they always twinkle.

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Cosmo.com says “You Can’t Date Ryan Gosling Anymore Because He’s Maybe With Rachel McAdams Again”

I was scrolling through my facebook and saw this article : http://www.cosmopolitan.com/celebrity/news/gosling-mcadams-reunite-brb-crying

Do celebrity relationships matter to you? Well it does to me. It makes me happy to know that a hot person is now dating this other hot person. I wish you only the best. I really do. I hope they each make more awesome movies, and make movies together. They have amazing chemistry off screen and on screen.


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